Electrifying AI: Saving our Planet

As concerns about the climate and environment become more pronounced we’ll take a look at how this is impacting the electric utility industry and how the industry is responding. Themes include changes in the industry, the brave new world of renewables, and democratizing energy. Learn more at sas.com/utilities and check out additional episodes of the Electrifying AI podcast series at sas.transistor.fm.
As concerns about the climate and environment become more pronounced we’ll take a look at how this is impacting the electric utility industry and how the industry is responding. Themes include changes in the industry, the brave new world of renewables, and democratizing energy.

More specifically in this episode we’ll be looking at:
  • Heavyweight investors are swinging behind renewables
  • Accelerating renewable adoption, including growth in offshore wind and solar PV, the arguments around utility scale renewables vs distributed renewables, and interconnection challenges for renewables in the US
  • California rolling blackouts
Join us next time for our next episode which we are calling Energy Independence Anthem. The electric utility industry, for all of its innovations over the years, has an entrenched business model. We’ll look at changing business models for the industry and what “energy independence” means.

Here is a listing of links to references for the topics we covered in this episode:
All presentations represent the opinions of the presenter and do not represent the position or the opinion of SAS.
Electrifying AI: Saving our Planet
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